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TRITON Nonionic Surfactant X-114

Product Description

TRITON. X-114 is a liquid, water-soluble, nonionic surfactant that exhibits excellent wetting and detergent properties. TRITON X-114 is an octylphenol ethoxylate that contains an average of eight moles of ethylene oxide. Compared to other water-soluble nonionic surfactants with higher cloud points, TRITON X-114 provides lower foam in use dilutions at temperatures of 140°F and above and is very efficient in removing oily soils.

TRITON X-114 is highly efficient against all types of soil. It is recommended for controlled-foam laundry detergents, metal cleaners, and industrial and institutional hard-surface cleaners. It is also an excellent wetting agent and emulsifier for agricultural pesticide formulations. TRITON X-114 is effective as a biodispersant in cooling towers, where it improves the penetration and effectiveness of biocides, emulsifies oils, and disperses sludge.

Special Features

  • Excellent wetting agent
  • Low-temperature detergency
  • Controlled-foam surfactant

Typical Physical Properties

Actives Content, wt % 100
Clear liquid

Viscosity at 25°C, cP 260
Specific Gravity at 25/25°C 1.05 to 1.06

Density at 25°C, lb/gal
Cloud Point, 1% aqueous solution, °C 25

Pour Point, °C (°F)
–9 (16)
Flash Point, Tag Open Cup, °F >149 (>300)

pH, 5% aqueous solution
HLB Value 12.4

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