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TRITON X-100 Nonionic Surfactant

Product Description

TRITON X-100 is a water-soluble, liquid, nonionic surfactant that has come to be recognized as the performance standard among similar products. It is an octylphenol ethoxylate with an average of nine to 10 moles of ethylene oxide and is a 100-percent active product.

Special Features

  • Excellent wetting ability
  • Excellent detergency
  • Excellent grease and oil removal from hard surfaces
  • Good thermal stability

Typical Physical Properties

Actives Content, wt % 100
Clear liquid
Color, APHA 100

Viscosity, at 25°C, cP 240
Pour Point, °C (°F) 7 (45)
Specific Gravity at 25°C 1.065
pH, 5% aqueous solution 6

Cloud Point, 1% aqueous solution, °C (°F)
65 (149)
Density, lb/gal 8.9
Flash Point, Tag Open Cup, °C (°F) >149 (>300)
HLB Value 13.5

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